Biomimetic Restoration and Esthetic Dentistry

We mimic the appearance, biomechanics and function of the natural tooth to preserve the integrity of the intact tooth, thus producing longer lasting restoration and minimizing more invasive procedures like dental crowns, RCTs (root canal therapy) and even extractions.

Diastema Closure

Closing unwanted gaps using the Bioclear Matrix System to achieve proper contacts and minimizing food traps in between your teeth.

Bioclear Posterior Overlay

Ensconces or “shrink wrapping” the tooth in the presence of an incomplete fracture, severe decay, failed restoration, chipped tooth to prevent further damage while rejuvenating the tooth structure, color and volume.

Root Canal Therapy (RCT): Saving a non-restorable tooth due to extensive decay so it can still stay in the mouth for chewing/biting instead of pulling the tooth out.

Oral Surgery: Extraction of badly decayed tooth that cannot be saved through root canal therapy or wisdom tooth that poses risk to your oral health.

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