
What is Bioclear?

The Bioclear Method is an approach to cosmetic and restorative dentistry that is used in lieu of traditional fillings, bonding, veneers or crowns. Pioneered by Dr. David Clark in 2007, it looks better, with a more natural and consistent finish.

The procedure is minimally invasive and it allows dentists to retain more natural tooth structure and enamel than traditional methods. It can be done in one appointment  as opposed to crowns and veneers that may require you to come 2 or 3 times for fitting and cementation.

Bioclear features the use of thin, clear, anatomic tooth forms (called a matrix, or matrices) fitted around the tooth to be repaired. These forms then have warmed composite resins injected into the form which allows the composite to flow around all areas of the tooth. Once in place, the composite is then hardened (cured) with light. After that, the matrix is then removed and the structure is contoured and polished, resulting in an extremely strong finished tooth that looks and feels natural.

Cosmetic-Bioclear 360° Rejuvenation
Duchene smile before bioclear Duchenne Smile 360 veneers after
Bioclear Rejuvenation reinforced with Ribbond on a Root Canal Treated tooth instead of a crown
36 RCTed preop 36 bioclear rejuvenation after

What can Bioclear do?

Bioclear rejuvenates your smile by reshaping uneven or small teeth, repairing chips and breaks, fixing gaps, and more.

> Restores decayed tooth without grinding too much of its natural structure as opposed to its traditional counterparts while providing proper sealing and protection for longevity and better stability.

> Closes unwanted gaps in between your teeth, eliminating black triangles and minimizing food traps resulting in healthier gums and bone surrounding your teeth. 

> Reshapes uneven tooth/teeth, corrects discolored teeth providing you with a brighter and youthful smile. 

Chief Complaint: “Crown fell off twice”. A crown or cap is not always the answer to restore a badly decayed or root canal treated tooth, seek a second opinion if Bioclear is the right option to save your already compromised tooth. We are more than happy to help!

Bioclear Certified Dentist

We are delighted to have our dentist, Dr. Caroline Ayahao-Binuhe, as one of the few providers globally who is Bioclear certified. She embraces tooth conservation passionately, hence she invested in mastering the Bioclear system in order to provide quality results whether improving your smile or fixing your teeth for better functionality.


Dr.Clark, founder of the Bioclear method
Dr. Caroline Binuhe with Dr. David Clark, the founder and mentor of Bioclear at the Bioclear Learning Center.

Common Patient Questions

How long will a Bioclear restoration last compared to a crown?

A better question is: Which option- a crown or a Bioclear restoration- will allow me to keep my tooth the longest?

The answer is: the Bioclear restoration. Bioclear provides the best chance to keep your natural tooth for a lifetime.

Why? Traditional crown preparations remove about 76% of the tooth. Bioclear’s less invasive technique minimizes reduction of tooth structure and decreases the potential of future root canals or snap off fractures. As we age, crowned teeth later can require extraction. Bioclear offers an innovative option to avert this outcome.

Will Bioclear restorations stain?

Bioclear restorations are very resilient against staining.
With that said, the Bioclear restoration may stain like your natural enamel. Smoking, heavy consumption of black coffee or dark juice can permanently stain natural tooth enamel and Bioclear restorations. We recommend that you drink a cup of water and brush your teeth after consumption or avoid these habits altogether.

If you do get surface stains, typically they can be polished away during a routine dental cleaning. Most patients making this type of investment in their smile maintain them regularly with cleanings and examinations with their local dentist.

How is Bioclear different from composite fillings, bonding or veneers?

Traditional composite fillings and bonding resins are pastes that are layered onto your tooth. In order for the layers to adhere, dentists need to grind down to make space for the final restoration. These layers leave ridges that can be felt where the restoration meets the enamel. Moreover, when the filling or bonding eventually cracks, chips, or wears away, there is little structural integrity left of the original tooth.

Bioclear however is a more conservative method—as a process, it conserves more of your tooth structure. And while the Bioclear composites are indeed stronger and longer lasting than other materials, they wear like your natural teeth. In the event of an accident, most often a damaged Bioclear restoration can be repaired or replaced.

As for porcelain veneers, these are cosmetic layers placed over an imperfection in your teeth for an aesthetic effect. They can look good and can be quite strong, but these too can become stained, and the appearance is most pronounced at the edges where the original tooth enamel is visible. And veneers don’t really fix the structure of your teeth—they’re for cosmetic purposes only.

Bioclear however strengthens your teeth without ruining them. The procedure is quick; touch ups are easy, and it is every bit as reversible as veneers.

How do I maintain Bioclear?

Avoid use of a cavitron or electronic scaler on Bioclear restorations. Hand scaling is acceptable. Use low abrasive toothpaste in lieu of traditional prophy paste.
Final buff with Bioclear diamond impregnated Rockstar

Can I get decay under a Bioclear restoration?

Crowns rely on a glue which slowly deteriorates over time. When crowns fall off it is a very disruptive and frightening occurrence. Instead of cementing or gluing, Bioclear becomes essentially one with the tooth, similar to a shrink-wrapping process. Because the weak link is removed, Bioclear can more readily prevent decay.

Why doesn't every dentist use Bioclear?

The Bioclear Method is gaining in popularity and is now being taught in several dental schools. Major changes in dentistry and medicine often take many years to reach all doctors. However, the patient-centered results speak for themselves. Bioclear is catching on around the world.